About us
Surgical Diagnostics has developed bio-membrane technology based on the chemistry and electrical properties of novel constructs of lipid bilayer membranes on electrodes.
In collaboration with Australian Universities, the technology has opened up new experimental possibilities for the study of bio-membranes and ion channels.
The principle scientist, Dr Bruce Cornell, has been associated with ion channel development for many years at the Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), and later at Ambri Ltd.
The technical capability of the company is additionally enhanced by a collaboration with Professor Don Martin, Universite, Grenoble Alpes.
Dr Michael Cooper
Associate Professor Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
University of Sydney
Dr Bruce Cornell
Dr Cornell was for over two decades a scientist and research manager in CSIRO and for eight years the Director of the CRC for Molecular Engineering. He was the Chief Scientist the Sydney based biosensor company AMBRI Ltd and has had extensive experience in R&D partnerships between academic and commercial organisations in Australia and the USA as well as serving on a number of Australian state and federal advisory groups on technology transfer.
Dr Lele Jiang
Dr Jiang has a chemical engineering background (Beijing, China), and a PhD in biochemistry from the University of Sydney. She has expertise in biomedical research and development, as a chief investigator funded by the National Heart Foundation, National Health and Medical Research Council and Australian Research Council. She is also an academic at the University of Technology Sydney.